Sunday, November 23, 2014

My Style of Teaching

When becoming a teacher, one must think about what teaching strategies he/she believes will benefit the students the most. There is the ever classic textbook-type teaching and the lecture style of teaching, but I have become very interested in the project-based learning style of teaching. Sure, a good balance of every style must be presented to the students, as each student learns differently, but I believe a project-based style of teaching would really benefit students. I believe so, because for each project, a student must do his/her research on their own instead of me just reciting them the information (which I would have to do first, then they would have to research more info for their projects). If they have to look up information, usually the information would stick with them more. The students have the opportunity to dig deeper in whatever we are learning about at that time. It is also beneficial in that projects typically encourage creativity and individuality. It seems like in today's society, we are not encouraging creativity as much as we should. The students might be able to do something they are passionate about and go above and beyond with their project.

 My mentor, Mr. Cantrell, uses this strategy in his classroom. They do a project for every standard. For example, they are beginning to work on a project Mr. Cantrell dubbed "The Mammoth Project"(which it truly is); the students have to look more into the lives of soldiers and events of the Civil War. They can make a North Star quilt (quilt to indicate a safe house of the Underground Railroad), make a regiment flag, create a diorama of a battle, and basically anything they would like to do (with the approval of Mr. Cantrell) that they are passionate about to learn more about the Civil War. I remember doing this project when I was in his class (an odd 3 years ago) and I learned so much more than I would have reading a textbook or taking notes about it. I really enjoyed this project, and I am looking forward to be able to help the current students with their projects.

On a somewhat different note, our big Honors Mentorship final project is coming up. We are required to come up with an essential question that is related to our choice of career and our mentorship and present it to a big group of people at the end of the year (doesn't it sound scary?). What I would really like to discuss, is project based learning. Distinguish and evaluate the pros and cons of project based learning and comparing and contrasting project-based learning techniques with other strategies would be my "essential question/statement". It is something that I am really passionate about and fully believe in this idea. I would be able to go in depth with this topic. Is it wrong that I am beginning to become excited for this project?


Sunday, November 16, 2014

Mentorship So Far...

My mentorship in an 8th grade classroom has been interesting so far. Most of my time is just observing how Mr. Cantrell teaches. After every class, I take notes on some of the strategies and activities he does that I might use in my future classroom. Mr. Cantrell encourages me to not only take notes on the activities he does with his students, but to take notes on how I would do things differently. While the students are working on their assignments or projects, I always walk around the classroom to help students and ask them questions about whatever standard they are learning about. Mr. Cantrell is always encouraging me to interact with the students as much as possible. He has even mentioned to me recently, that I could have a special day within the week and take the last 10-15 minutes of class and talk to the students. I could talk about whatever they are learning about , I could answer any questions they have about high school (as they will be freshmen next year!), or I could ask the students questions on what kind of activities and teaching strategies they like. This time can end up being really beneficial for me! Also, as I have been mentioning a lot, I will be able to teach a lesson this year!! It's almost like I am teaching my own class!

Both surprisingly and unsurprisingly, the U.S. History class I am taking this year is really helping me with my mentorship. We are learning almost the same thing and we are almost in sync. Mr. Cantrell's class is basically one standard behind with what I am learning. For example, I am currently learning about the Civil War in my U.S. History class and the 8th graders are learning about the Antebellum Period (pre-Civil War period). I am sure that when they are on the Civil War unit, I will be learning about Reconstruction.  My U.S. History class goes in a little more in depth than Mr. Cantrell's class, so I am able to help the students with any questions they have or if they wish to know more, I would be able to teach them more.

It's kind of funny how one needs to be taught how to teach. Mr. Cantrell is teaching me all that he can to help me prepare for this career. This mentorship is giving me extra experience that I can use as I begin taking teacher classes in college and in my own classroom in the future. 



Monday, November 10, 2014

Having "Social Intelligence"

I am not sure if I am the only person that thinks this, but some of the younger generations (mine included) have/are becoming more and more disrespectful and arrogant. These are not the qualities that future employers want. I have recently read an interesting article by Growing Leaders called "The First Soft Set Skill to Develop in Students". This article is about how first impressions are extremely important and how having "social intelligence" is something employers look for. Going back to being disrespectful and arrogant, no employer wants these kinds of people in the workplace, and unfortunately, more people are becoming so. It's not just our generation too, we may encounter a coworker who does not really treat us like they should, or treat us like we are inferior or below them (which is a really mean thing to do). We could encounter these people on a day to day basis in the workplace. The key is know how to personally deal with these kinds of people. You could politely ask them to not treat you in that manner, or even ignore their behavior all together.

 The article defines "social intelligence" as "the capacity to effectively negotiate complex social relationships and environments"(Growing Leaders). The article states that having social intelligence includes:

  • Empathy
  • Attunement
  • Social Cognition
  • Concern
  • Self-presentation
  • Influence
I agree with all of these. You definitely need these attributes in order to create relationships in the workplace, which is very important. Also, because social intelligence is becoming a rare quality to have, many employers are looking for this, especially in a first impression. Employers tend to know whether or not they want to hire you within the first minute of meeting you, so having "social intelligence" or learning how to have these qualities will definitely make a positive impact.


Sunday, October 26, 2014

My Mentorship Profile

 My Profile: My name is Sarah. I am currently a junior at Flowery Branch High School.  This year, I was able to be a part of the Honors Mentorship Program. For as long as I can remember, teaching has always been a career that has interested me. Each year, seeing what all of my teachers do, has inspired me to pursue teaching as a career. Now that I am in this program, I am able to experience what it is really like to be a teacher. I love it!

My Mentorship: This year in Honors Mentorship, I am working in an Eighth Grade Georgia Studies classroom at C.W. Davis Middle School. I am working with my amazing mentor, Mr. Cantrell, who is always encouraging me to be as interactive as possible. He is teaching me about the everyday tasks of a teacher. Later this year, he is going to teach me how to use the technology that a teacher must use on a day-to-day basis. He will also teach me how to use some technology that can help my future students to better understand the material I will be teaching. In the classroom, I am observing how Mr. Cantrell is teaching and interacting with students (to see what helps students learn and how it is best to teach). I am walking around the classroom while his students are working on their assignments and helping them. Later this year, Mr. Cantrell will allow me to teach a lesson to his class! Lastly, I must mention my favorite task of the day, helping stacking up the chairs at the end of the day.

My Future: Next year, I hope to be a part of the Honors Mentorship Program again. However, I would be working in a different classroom to learn more techniques of teaching. This mentorship is really helping me because I will already have a good understanding on ways to easily connect with and teach different types of students. This is helping me prepare for my own classroom in the future and making me more passionate about teaching as my future career.


Sunday, October 19, 2014

The Old Fashioned Ways

Growing up, my dad was a teacher. He was and still is working in education (I guess you can tell what sparked my interest in becoming a teacher). Because of this, I know the ins and outs of teachers's duties and I already had a perception of what a teacher does, before I began my mentorship. It is surprising to me to say that not much has changed from my dad's teaching experience from ten years ago. Sure, teachers have new gadgets and gizmos, but they are still teaching and doing the same things. Most jobs these days are changing rapidly and new tasks are being added to each job. For teaching, you are still making and giving tests, grading assignments, and teaching the same curriculum, and that is really comforting to me. They might do these tasks in a different way, but it is still the same as it has been this past decade. Even the very tedious and routine task of grading work or grading a project is mostly done with the always classic, red pen, like always. These tasks can take hours to do, but it is nice to see how important it is by taking the time to complete it. Sometimes, the old fashioned ways of completing tasks is always the best way.


Sunday, October 12, 2014

A Partner In Your Education

Internships are truly a learning experience to the interns. You learn so many aspects of your desired job that you would have not expected. This is really beneficial because to those who do not have the opportunity to intern, may go into their job blind-sided and learn later that the job is not what they may have thought it to be. It's almost like you are back in a classroom, a very hands-on classroom. In classrooms, you may learn what you like and dislike. That's why when we were in high school, we usually knew what we wanted to do when we became older or at least knew what we did not want to do. For example, say a person named Billy disliked math (like I do). Billy would probably not want to be an engineer, an accountant, or a mathematician. Internships are the same way! We learn what we like and dislike about the job.
Internships also show people other careers they might be interested in. You may start an internship as a graphic designer only to see a computer designer doing his/her job, and you think, "Wow, that seems like something I would enjoy". In my case, I am beginning to be interested in becoming a school counselor, just in case I learned that teaching was not for me. 
Internships are not only beneficial to the interns, but for the mentors also. Interns can help the mentor complete routine tasks or less important tasks. Also, if the mentor has a huge workload, the intern can help that mentor complete the task quickly. In my internship, I try to help my mentor by going around the classroom and helping students. There is probably nothing more stressful for a teacher than to have twenty hands in the air with a question (probably the same question too). I can tell that my mentor is a little thankful to be able to take a little more time with each student while I take time with another. 
Internships are really beneficial to everyone involved. We all learn from each other and help each other. Internships are truly a "partner in your education".

Sunday, October 5, 2014

The Art of Being a Teacher

The first month of my mentorship, a very exciting experience for me. When I walked in the classroom for the first time, I felt like I was at home.  I have learned so much about being a teacher simply just by observing. Teaching and interacting with coworkers is truly an art that needs to be mastered.
 For example, I have learned that a teacher must know what to do in every situation, whether it be a fire, a school lockdown, and even knowing what to do when a kid becomes sick in the classroom. They need to stay calm and know every protocol the school provides them as well as preparing for situations that are not included in the school’s protocols. Also, I have observed that newer teachers tend to teach more regular classes than the more experienced teachers. This is not always the case, however, many experienced teachers like teaching the regular level classes and tend to either teach only regular classes, or have a majority of regular classes and a few advanced classes. Finally, teachers ALWAYS communicate with their coworkers through email and face-to-face conversations. There is rarely texting among coworkers (who are not even supposed to have their phones out unless for educational purposes). Professional communication is very important in the world of teaching.
Once a person becomes a teacher, they are set to a different standard from the rest of the community. Teachers must be very professional in their attitudes, interactions, and especially in the way they dress. Every teacher must act like their students are watching them. There is a reason why we do not see any teachers posting pictures of them bikini-clad with alcohol in their hands. Again, teachers must present themselves professionally. Dressing in the workplace is both simple and tricky. Women must dress professionally and most importantly, MODESTLY. Sorry, but the truth is, teenage boys will be teenage boys. It is important to cover the cleavage, ladies, and to not wear skin-tight pants or mini-skirts. When in doubt, cover it up! For men, all that really need to be said is dress professionally. There is a reason why I am stressing the professional look: as a teacher, you want to taken very seriously and look like you know what you are talking about. Unfortunately, teachers can come across an unruly parent and you want to look like a professional. I cannot stress looking professional enough.

Luckily, I have been able to learn some of these elements of teaching during my mentorship. Also, thankfully, I am a fast learner, and I believe that is a quality that all teachers need. I am truly learning something everyday and I am amazed at the complexity of the everyday things that once seemed so simple. I am truly thankful to be doing this mentorship. 


Sunday, September 28, 2014


College. A huge decision in one's life. Is college for me? What college would benefit me the most? How do I even look for the right college? College is a huge stepping-stone that truly effects a person's life. Because I would like to become a teacher, college is a road I must travel. Therefore, this week's assignment for HMP is all about colleges. 

A List of 3 Colleges That I Plan to Apply for with the Degree Program I Would Enter:
  • Berry College- Mount Berry, GA
    • Secondary Education Dual Major- Prepares teacher certification for grade levels 6-12
  • Mercer University- Macon, GA
    • Secondary Education
  • Georgia College and State University- Milledgeville, GA
    • Middle Grades

My Criteria for a Quality Program:
  • Teacher Certification
  •  Internship with a teacher
  • Study Abroad Program (to learn more teaching styles that might not be common in the US, also to help me learn how to teach different cultures)
  • Diverse set of areas (History, Social Studies, Science) in which I could be certified to teach
  • Very interactive lessons
  • Tutoring Program
  • Honors Program
  • Ability to Minor in Programs (Spanish, in my case) 
Universities/Colleges That Have This Criteria:
  • All three of these colleges have the criteria I am looking for. More schools that have this criteria that I would like to mention: Georgia Southwestern State University- Americus, GA, College of Charleston- Charleston, SC,  Elon University- Elon, NC, and Greensboro College- Greensboro, NC.

Additional Entrance Requirements for My Field of Study:
  • Georgia College and State University: Cohort Application Form, Three professional letters of recommendation, minimal GPA of 2.5, Passing scores or exemption on the GACE Basic Assessment, completion of Core areas before program begins in the fall, passing Regents’ Reading and Writing requirements or proof of exemption, clear background check, verified structured experience with children the level you wish to teach, recommended, interview by faculty admissions committee
  • Mercer University: Submit an application to Teacher Education, 2.5 Cumulative GPA on all previous coursework, passing scores on GACE I , complete INT 101 and WRT 120 with no grade below a “C”, complete required math core class with a “C” or better, complete any education classes taken with a grade of “C” or better, declare a major 
My Criteria for a "Quality" Ranking and Educational Program (Size, Location, Sports, Diversity, Funding):
  • Size: Small-Medium School
  • Location: Preferably in Georgia. Far away from home, but can easily come home on the weekends if I wanted to
  • Sports: Various activities available to all of the students 
  • Diversity: Coed school. 
  • Funding: Plenty of scholarships available for me. Work-Study program.
Scholarships I Am Eligible For:
  • Bill Speed Scholarship: Church scholarship I could apply for because of the years I have alter served at my church
  • Tommie Aaron/Charlie Aaron Foundation Scholarship: For seniors in Hall County and Gainesville City schools.
  • Hispanic Heritage Youth Awards Program
  • HFS General Scholarship Program

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Internships Are Interviews

For this week's assignment, I had to read a short blog post from a blog called Growing Leaders, by Tim Elmore. This article describes how a friend of Elmore had a bad experience with the interns he had in that summer. Elmore expresses how he is sad that millions of college students come to the work force unprepared. His friend's interns were proof of that fact. He suggested to his friend that he introduce future interns as it being "... a twelve week interview [and how] it's a simulation of the job [they'll] have one day"(Elmore).
He stated the four top qualities that business look for interns. These are:

  1. Teachability: They want students who are hungary to learn from them
  2. Initiative: They want students that look for what needs to be done
  3. Responsibility: They want students who "own" the tasks they are given
  4. Energy: They want high-energy workers who have a passion for their mission
Those four qualities will lead into a successful internship for both the student and the mentor/company.

I believe Elmore has very good points. His advise will definitely help me get the most out of my internship at the middle school. I really need to participate in the classroom as much as I can so that I will get real experience as a teacher. I need to show that I want to learn so that my mentor will be encouraged to pass on his knowledge and experiences to me. I must show that I truly want to become a teacher. My future interviewer might look back on how I participated in this program and decide to contact my mentor. I can only hope that I showed my desire and initiative to be a teacher.

This article's advise is very beneficial to any interns that might come across it before their internships. An internship is truly like an interview; it can show back up whenever a person is interviewing for a job, what better person to ask how you work in the workplace than your mentor. These four points would also be beneficial in that if the intern follows these points, they would the most out of their internship.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Meeting Your Mentor/ First Day of the Mentorship

For my first ever assignment on the Honors Mentorship Program, I had to listen to a podcast and read a document created by my teacher about things to do when you meet your mentor for the first time or when you have an interview. Here are some of the ideas both the podcast and the document expressed:
  • ·      ALWAYS stay positive. Most companies and mentors want a positive atmosphere in the workplace
  • ·      Dress appropriately and always dress professional on your interview and on the first day. Moderately wear jewelry and makeup. You never know who you are going to meet
  • ·      Show confidence: Do not be afraid to initiate a firm handshake, make eye contact with your mentor and/or coworkers, smile, and always have good posture
  • ·      Arrive early. You want to build up a reputation of always being punctual and reliable
  • ·       Be quick to learn names.
  • ·      Research the company you wish to join and what your position is. This shows that you are truly interested in joining the company.
  • ·      Start conversations with your mentor. Never be afraid to be honest about your accomplishments. Having conversations is beneficial because you both will get to know each other and even become close acquaintances.
  • ·      Finally, work hard at every task you do

I am personally very excited about my mentorship! This will definitely help me learn how to become the engaging, helpful, and wonderful teacher I wish to become! I believe I will learn how to teach Social Studies in a way that students will enjoy. I hope to learn how to engage and interact with students and faculty.  This will definitely benefit me in that I will learn what exactly teachers have to do on a daily basis. I have had my mentor as a teacher before, and I know he will give me advice and teach me all I need to know about becoming a teacher. He will always encourage me to interact with the class and participate in as much as I can. This year is going to be great!