Sunday, October 26, 2014

My Mentorship Profile

 My Profile: My name is Sarah. I am currently a junior at Flowery Branch High School.  This year, I was able to be a part of the Honors Mentorship Program. For as long as I can remember, teaching has always been a career that has interested me. Each year, seeing what all of my teachers do, has inspired me to pursue teaching as a career. Now that I am in this program, I am able to experience what it is really like to be a teacher. I love it!

My Mentorship: This year in Honors Mentorship, I am working in an Eighth Grade Georgia Studies classroom at C.W. Davis Middle School. I am working with my amazing mentor, Mr. Cantrell, who is always encouraging me to be as interactive as possible. He is teaching me about the everyday tasks of a teacher. Later this year, he is going to teach me how to use the technology that a teacher must use on a day-to-day basis. He will also teach me how to use some technology that can help my future students to better understand the material I will be teaching. In the classroom, I am observing how Mr. Cantrell is teaching and interacting with students (to see what helps students learn and how it is best to teach). I am walking around the classroom while his students are working on their assignments and helping them. Later this year, Mr. Cantrell will allow me to teach a lesson to his class! Lastly, I must mention my favorite task of the day, helping stacking up the chairs at the end of the day.

My Future: Next year, I hope to be a part of the Honors Mentorship Program again. However, I would be working in a different classroom to learn more techniques of teaching. This mentorship is really helping me because I will already have a good understanding on ways to easily connect with and teach different types of students. This is helping me prepare for my own classroom in the future and making me more passionate about teaching as my future career.



  1. This post makes me realize how similar our internships are, which I really should've expected, since we are right down the hall from each other. I am so very happy you love your internship as much as I mine, and I also mostly help individual students. I hope to teach a lesson later on as well. Unlike you, I never expected to love teaching, but I am happy I found it, and very happy it hasn't disappointed you. I am certain you will be an excellent teacher, and although it sounds weird, I also love helping stack the chairs, because I get to speak personally with the students.

  2. Unlike Kelsey, I have absolutely no interest in being a teacher. However I have the UTMOST respect for that profession, as the majority of adults in my family are teachers and I see how difficult and important the job truly is. I am so happy that you love your internship like I love mine, even though they're entirely different. I love that you're getting to experience all aspects of teaching, you aren't just observing. I can tell that after this internship and all that you'll have learned you are going to be a fantastic teacher.
